It’s Time To Reclaim Your Health & Happiness

Are you seeking extra support, guidance, and accountability on your health journey through mid-life? 

Are you ready to finally make the changes you've been putting off because you feel as though you've tried it all, and nothing seems to give you sustainable, simple, life-long tools that put YOU in the driver's seat of your health, wellness, and happiness?

1:1 personalized Ayurvedic health coaching could be the solution you need.

The Struggle That So Many Of Us Face

The never-ending flurry of trending diets, workouts, and self-care fads targeted at health-focused, mid-life women like us can feel overwhelming and conflicting.

Your deepest desire is to feel at home in your body and at peace in your mind. Yet, you've decided you're too busy to focus on yourself, waiting until the kids are older or you have more money, time, or freedom. Perhaps you learned that self-care is selfish, and you feel guilty about prioritizing yourself.

Many women I talk to have bought into the belief that with age comes weight gain, difficult menopause, and physical, mental, and emotional disease—thinking it's "normal." The media and general messaging around self-care comes in a bubble bath, a glass of wine, or a new handbag. You're unsure what authentic "self-care" even means. And after trying everything with nothing feeling sustainable or simple, you may think, "why bother?

Chances are you want to:

• Manage or eliminate menopause symptoms.
• Feel less anxious, depressed or stressed out.
• Lose excess weight.
• Have more natural daily energy.
• Sleep better.
• Understand your UNIQUE body and what it needs to thrive.
• Have more time for yourself.
• Connect more deeply to your intuition. 
• Break addictive patterns (wine, shopping therapy, social media) and all the other habits that keep you distracted, numbed out and avoiding what is REALLY going on inside.
• Finally get clear on what you WANT in your life WHY.
• Age better.
• Establish a better relationship, more compassion, and love for yourself (this is THE most important relationship in your life). 

...but you don't know where to start.

If any of this rings true for you, then Ayurveda Health Coaching is the way. 

Ayurveda means "the knowledge of life." It's the ancient science of health and longevity. 

It's "loud" out there, I get it! With countless trending diets, fad workouts, and therapies telling you WHAT to do, but not HOW or WHY.

Let's STOP that now!

By combining time-tested wisdom, modern habit-change science, and your inner wisdom, I'll help you reclaim control of your health and address the ROOT of your challenges—no more band-aids.

Ayurveda, the science of life and longevity, focuses on diet, lifestyle, and living aligned with nature's rhythms as the foundation of good health.

You have much more control over your health, happiness, and well-being than you think.

Here's why this is different.

When we work together, we will examine your unique body type (constitution and imbalances), current stage of life, and environment to assess your unique individual needs and identify what will bring you greater harmony and health.

Why is this so important? Because newsflash⚡️...what's right for your childhood friend or sister is not necessarily right for you.

What worked for you in your 30s differs in your 40s and beyond. 

And that is 110% natural and "normal." 

I aim to put you in the driver's seat of your health, empowering you to live authentically and aligned with your unique needs and desires at this life phase.

I work closely with you, creating a customized plan including diet, lifestyle, stress management, meditation, breathwork, yoga, spiritual readings, essential oils, recipes, mindset coaching on HOW to make changes, and inner voice work.

Together, we curate a daily and seasonal routine that meets you where you are and fits your lifestyle. I uphold that vision and hold you accountable throughout, which is key to your success.

This is not a one-size-fits-all approach. We consider your life and responsibilities, creating a step-by-step plan that doesn't feel like "one more thing."

Instead, I share ancient, time-tested practices, rituals, and traditions applied to your modern life. Whether focusing on one health goal or learning to apply Ayurveda to your life, we create a doable, sustainable, deeply nourishing plan. With me by your side, you'll receive support, guidance, accountability, and cheerleading.

Here’s How It Works

  • Our 1:1 coaching begins with an in-depth individual consultation over Zoom, typically 90-120 minutes.

    The objective of this initial meeting is for me to fully understand you, your experiences, and your health background. We do a deep dive into: 

    1. Your current daily routines and lifestyle habits. What is serving you and what is not, in terms of your health, life goals, and deeper desires? 

    2. Any sources of stress or challenges impacting your well-being, such as kids/ teens, aging parents, financial, relational, or health stressors. 

    3. Key events or conditions that led you to seek support now. 

      I aim to understand your needs, aspirations, and motivations for tailored custom coaching. This consultation explores your health history and personal journey.

      After this initial discussion, we'll develop an integrated plan aligned with your specific goals and priorities—a unique roadmap that will serve as the foundation for our 1:1 work.

  • After our in-depth initial consultation, I create a tailored Journey Plan based on everything we discussed about your needs and health goals.

    We then have a 60-minute session to review your personal Journey Plan. I walk you through the custom roadmap I've created, outlining clear, manageable action steps aligned to improving your wellbeing based on your priorities. I then outline clear, actionable steps you can take to improve your well-being.

    My aim is for you to feel equipped, motivated and confident to implement the steps I am recommending to manifest your goals and elevate your total health. 

  • Implementation and Accountability

    Three to four weeks after starting your Journey Plan, we'll have a 60-minute follow-up. We'll review completed action steps, discuss implementation difficulties, and address solutions. We'll reinforce integrated positive health practices and how to maintain them, celebrating small wins. You'll leave clear on next steps toward your Journey Plan goals.

    You'll have the option to continue in my monthly membership for my ongoing accountability and support.

In a nutshell, here’s what you get:

  • Full access to my Mind Body Bright Inner Wellness Circle for three months. Coming Soon.

  • One 90-120 minute intake call with Paula to review your health history and clarify your goals.

  • A personalized, step-by-step wellness blueprint and guide.

  • One 90-minute session to discuss and implement your blueprint.

  • One follow-up 90-minute session on navigating obstacles or resistance to implementing your new habits. We will also discuss your progress and celebrate your “WINS.”

  • You will also receive personalized recipes, oils, therapies, and herbs supporting your journey.

  • As needed, you will receive worksheets, journaling prompts, meditations, breath and movement practices, and access to training videos supporting our work together.

  • Voxer access to Paula throughout the three months.

  • Weekly email support keeps you on track, inspired, and motivated.

  • Option to continue working with me privately.

Here's what else you get:

  • Sustainable daily self-care habits through the seasons of life.

  • Improved relationship with food and nourishment.

  • Understand and ditch addictions that are keeping you stuck feeling bad about yourself, i.e., alcohol, caffeine, doom-scrolling, sugar, and picking fights with loved ones.

  • Alleviate menopause symptoms, which are not necessary.

  • Learn the foundations of Ayurveda and your unique body/mind type.

  • Discover everyday tools for healing digestion and removing disease-forming toxins.

  • Improved sleep.

  • More natural daily energy - no more depending on stimulants to wake you up and keep you going.

  • Reduced anxiety, stress, and depression.

  • Release self-limiting habits & thought patterns.

  • Strengthen your intuition & reconnect with your inner wisdom.

  • Reduced inflammation.

  • Improved mental clarity and focus.

  • Establish a daily meditation practice.

  • A reignited spark for life and your potential.

…. And so much MORE.

Ready To Get Started?

I’ll review your information and get back to you soon!