Love Your Liver?

The liver is a crucial organ in the human body. It's large, weighing about three pounds in adults, and sits in the upper right part of the abdomen, below the diaphragm and next to the stomach.

Despite its many jobs (over 500), the liver is actually quite delicate and plays a vital role in protecting and supporting your overall health.

The liver is a remarkable organ with a complex structure, working tirelessly to keep our bodies healthy. It performs crucial tasks like blood filtration, detoxification, aiding digestion, and boosting metabolism. The liver also produces essential enzymes and operates continuously to meet our body's needs.

Although resilient, our liver can become overworked and less efficient if we don't take care of it. It's important to pay attention to this vital organ and give it the support it deserves. After all...

Without our beautiful liver we can not survive.

Fortunately, the liver has an impressive ability to regenerate when given proper care. By actively supporting our liver's health, we enable it to thrive, which in turn allows us to flourish.

Ayurveda offers several strategies to maintain liver health, which you can start implementing right away to boost your overall well-being. 

 But first, check out the TOP 5 (out of hundreds) jobs your liver is busy doing while you're sleeping, playing and living your busy life. 👇

Signs Your Liver May Need Support

Our liver often works silently, and we may not always give it the attention it deserves. However, neglecting this vital organ can lead to fatigue and reduced function over time. Given its crucial role in numerous bodily processes, a well-functioning liver is key to our overall well-being.

How can you tell if your liver needs some extra care?

Consider these questions…

It's helpful to know that in Ayurveda, summer is closely linked to liver health through Pitta dosha. Summer's heat naturally increases Pitta in the body, and since the liver is considered a primary seat of Pitta, it's particularly affected during this season. 

(If you are unfamiliar with the doshas in Ayurveda (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), they are closely linked to the seasons and our bodies. Each season predominantly influences a specific dosha - winter increases Vata, summer amplifies Pitta, and spring enhances Kapha - while in our bodies, these doshas govern various physiological functions and determine our individual constitutions, with one or two typically being dominant.)

As temperatures rise, the liver can become overheated and stressed, potentially leading to imbalances.

These imbalances may manifest as increased irritability, skin issues, or digestive problems—all signs of excess Pitta and a clear indication of the importance of maintaining liver health during summer. 

Ayurveda recommends focusing on liver care during summer by adopting cooling practices and diets. This includes consuming bitter and astringent foods, staying hydrated, and avoiding excessive sun exposure. According to Ayurvedic principles, nurturing the liver during summer can maintain overall balance, support detoxification, and promote better emotional and physical health.

Check out these TIPS below for a Healthy, Happy Liver 

In my Summer Survival Handbook you will receive TONS of tips and tricks to help you adjust to the heat, humidity and intensity of Summer time to help keep your LIVER cool, healthy and happy.

 Click HERE. to get it. 

If in doubt, please reach out to Paula for any questions you may have. 


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