Glow With Soul’s Ayurveda Inspired

Fall Reset

Are You Ready for a Wellness Breakthrough?

Do you crave more time and space for better self-care? Does having more energy, better sleep, and feeling more present in your life feel like a pipe dream? If so, then you’re in the right place.

Life is busy, and staying in "go-mode" seems "normal" until something breaks down. Instead, taking time to slow down, support your body in removing toxins, and intentionally designing your habits in alignment with nature's daily and seasonal rhythms so you can thrive in midlife is the best gift you can give yourself - and those around you.

An at-home Ayurvedic seasonal cleanse is the fastest, most sustainable, and natural way to experience health breakthroughs in body, mind, and spirit.

If you’re Experiencing:

  • Weight gain, emotional eating, overeating, undereating.

  • Addictive behaviors - alcohol, sugar, processed food, weed, social media..

  • PMS, menopause symptoms, or difficult periods.

  • Inflammation, high blood pressure, headaches, weakened immunity.

  • Waking up feeling uninspired, brain fogged, and low-energy = blah!

  • Digestive issues such as gas, bloating, loose stool, or constipation.

  • Body aches, joint pain, or general stiffness.

  • Excess mucus, phlegm, congestion or allergies.

  • Skin issues like acne, rashes, breakouts, psoriasis/ eczema.

  • Feeling overwhelmed, anxious, hopeless, depressed, or stressed out about life.

Then…a 21-day seasonal reset, where ancient wisdom meets modern science, is a great place to start.

Hey there, I'm Paula!

I’m an “Ayurvedic Health & Lifestyle Coach,” yoga teacher, mama to two amazing kids, and wife to one great guy.

As a busy Mom and entrepreneur, I know how hard it can be to take time for yourself and give your body the reset and recharge it requires to experience optimal health.

This is why I LOVE offering Fall and Spring guided cleanses, which have played a big part in my life and health journey over the past eight+ years. 

I know the importance of carving a few weeks out of my busy schedule (while still living my life) to prioritize my health and self-care, clear out the imbalances of the previous season, and align with the current one. 

It's my goal to share this ancient practice of seasonal cleansing and that you walk away saying, "I never knew I could feel this amazing."

A 21-Day Seasonal Reset enables breakthroughs that are otherwise impossible.

As we approach the holidays and flu season, the "Glow with Soul" reset provides the guidance and support you need to feel more vibrant, clear, and energized—to THRIVE, not just survive in mid-life.

This journey, kicking off on
OCTOBER 21st, is designed to be easeful, intentional, and fun.

Emerge as a brighter, healthier, and simply better version of yourself!

Here's what's included when you join me for this guided and transformative Fall Reset.

 Four live group calls (via Zoom) with Paula to guide, support, and inspire you.
  Access to the online program through January 31st. 2025
A 30+ page Fall reset recipe book with seasonal recipes to enjoy, even beyond the cleanse.
✓ A gorgeous guidebook with checklists, meal planner, tip sheets, roadmap, and other support materials.
✓ Encouraging emails to keep you on track.
 A supportive FB community to share, ask questions, and engage with others.
3 Guest teachers (Meditation, EFT, and Sound Healing) to complement your reset.

How Does The “Glow With Soul”
Fall Reset Work?

WEEK ONE: Ease in. Clean up your diet and schedule. Focus on the top self-care habits that make YOU your “best self caretaker.”

WEEK TWO: Reset week starts, designed by YOU for what YOU need now! Focus on removing TOXINS, improving GUT HEALTH (the root of health), and rebuilding your ENERGY.

WEEK THREE: Gracefully Emerge: Take time to move into daily life, decide what better habits you will adopt, and celebrate how amazing you feel.

  • EASING IN: October 21st

     Consider this your bird's eye view of where we are going and what you can expect.

    • Get crystal clear on WHAT you want for your cleanse and WHY that’s important to you.✨

    • Introduce you to what’s on the menu and start preparing.

    • Clean up your space. Our surroundings shape who we are, and cluttered environments drain our energy. Design your spaces to allow room for breathing, creating, thinking, resting, recharging, and rebuilding.

    • Clear your schedule of unnecessary “noise and distractions.” It’s okay to say “NO” lovingly, busy lady.📆

    • Let people you live and work with know what you’re doing, chances are they’ll be excited to support you on this journey.

    • Join the Private FB community for connection, coaching, and to get your questions answered.

    • Join the private course platform- this is where you can access the lessons, the materials, and the training videos. 

    GO DEEPER: October 28th

    • This week, you will focus on the eating and self-care aspects of the cleanse, i.e., morning and evening routines, yoga, meditation, aligning with circadian rhythms, etc.

    • Trust your intuition to guide you into the best self-care practices you need now—more sleep, more time outside or in silence, less technology, hands-on healing, and more daily movement. The options are as vast or as simple as you want them. ✨

    • Connect with the nourishment your body TRULY needs and desires.

    • Learn to prepare and enjoy simple, nutrient-dense meals made by YOU. Perhaps (re)ignite your interest in cooking for yourself (and loved ones). 🍜


    • Emerging from a cleanse takes time and tenderness with yourself. It is important to have support this week as you transition.👯

    • Celebrate how amazing you feel and envision your future YOU.

    • As you move back into “normal” life…consider which habits and practices you take with you.

    • Experience more awareness and clarity around your body's needs to THRIVE moving forward and into the holidays and new year.🎉

    • Get ready to say, "I had NO idea I could feel this good." That's my goal for you. ✨

A seasonal reset is for you if you want to…

✨Finally, lose the excess weight, feel more confident, and love your body.

Take a break from unhealthy habits that are undermining your health and even making you sick.

✨Boost your immune system before the holidays.

✨Experience more mental clarity, focus, and creativity.

✨Reclaim control over difficult menopause symptoms with diet and lifestyle.

Sleep better and wake up feeling energized, grounded, and positive.

Improve digestion and gut issues (the root of your health).

✨Give up trying to make changes alone- you need support & guidance, NOT willpower!

Feel better than you ever knew possible.

You deserve to feel AMAZING. Why wait?

This is your chance to slow down a little (or a lot), simplify your lifestyle and diet, and get to the ROOT cause of many symptoms.

Look at this time as an “at-home retreat,” where you’ll be guided along a journey that allows you time to rest, reflect, and appreciate the deeper pleasures in life, all without having to escape to a mountaintop. :)  

Plus, being in a group of other women looking to feel better, have more energy, and reclaim their health in this season of life - is JUST WAY MORE FUN than doing it alone, fumbling your way through, getting discouraged, and giving up. I want you to get results, and TOGETHER is how we do it.

Here’s What Others Had To Say

A month after the fall reset ended, I’m still going strong in making Ayurvedic choices and keeping up the habits I learned. I was a coffee lover and was shocked that I had no draw to restart drinking coffee. I am drinking herbal tea (!!!) and have even made this a nightly habit instead of dessert or snacks after dinner. I LOVE dessert, so this is a big deal. Since the end of the cleanse, I have been cooking simple veggie meals because I’ve been craving them. I have shed about 10 lbs and am regaining energy and love for myself. The morning routine and body care rituals feel luxurious, and my husband told me my skin looks great. I am already looking forward to the Spring Cleanse!

-Linnea M. (Banker)

The Mind, Body, Bright Fall Cleanse was a game-changer! It helped me realign my mindset about food and self-care, leaving me feeling calmer, more mindful, and ready to tackle what's ahead.

Paula's coaching was both calming and informative, creating a non-judgmental space for open and honest discussions. The wonderful group dynamic provided invaluable support throughout the journey. I walked away feeling more zen and equipped with valuable self-care tools. I give the program a 10/10 and can't wait to join the Spring Cleanse!

- Stephanie V. (Realtor)

I lost EIGHT pounds from my belly and back, the areas I had a very hard time losing from once I hit perimenopause. I was in awe of how the food, teas and water and other practices just melted those areas away.
Having the support of Paula and a group of women cheering each other on was a journey of deepening my own self love. The “cleanse” was really a practice of eating healthy, yummy, nourishing food for ten days and more.  I loved the group calls and self reflection. I came away, feeling lighter, and so much more aligned physically and mentally. I’m more excited than ever to treat my body with respect and kindness through what I eat and my daily choices. - Lissa S. (Meditation Teacher)

An Ayurvedic reset (cleanse) is as much about self-care as the food.

During these 21 days, you have a fantastic opportunity to focus on self-care, healing, and taking excellent care of yourself briefly.

You get to focus on simplifying your life by slowing down (a little or a lotta), and streamlining what comes in through your five senses because life is loud📣, and we all need a break. You’ll begin to connect more deeply to your intuition and listen to what your body needs now.

Consider this your "hall pass" from the hustle and bustle of daily life ...while still living your life!

The food helps, but the self-care habits are where the rubber meets the road. If that little voice in you is saying, "This sounds amazing," then I encourage you to listen.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The main concept of an Ayurvedic cleanse is that we begin to see our food as medicine. We focus on keeping things simple, seasonal and nourishing. The main compontent of an Ayurvedic cleanse is Kitchari (a simple rice-based stew with mung bean), which we then customize with loads of your favorite seasonal veggies. 

    Also included are grounding seasonal soups, marinated salads, warm, grounding morning oats with variations, simple food-based (no fancy powders or supplements you need to spend loads of $$$ on) juices, and smoothies. You will learn how to make seasonal churnas (spice mixes to stoke digestion), and my favorite condiments to enhance flavors. 

    You get to E.A.T. F.O.O.D! Basically, it’s radically healthy, seasonal, down-to-earth, easily digestible foods that you will be eating to help rid your body of toxins and rewire your physiology toward glowing from the inside out. This is NOT possible on crappy, processed, unnatural food. Eighty percent of the cleanse diet is plant-based; the rest is grains, good fats, warm healing bevies, and seasonal chutneys and spices to optimize digestion. If you need a little meat, we’re not opposed to it. However, meat is hard to digest, and the goal is to take a load off digestion so the body can do all the other healing and detoxifying jobs it needs to do, but only IF it’s not digesting food. Just say’in. 

  • In total, we will be together for approx. 21 days – 7 days to ease in, 5-7 days to go deep, and 7 days to ease out. We're creating a 21 day container for you to get the support you need to create a peak experience and get the results you desire. Feel free to take as much time as you need to ease in, go deep, and ease out. You have your foot on the gas pedal, love.

  • I've experimented with many different time frames and 21 days is the SWEET spot. Please know you are NOT cleansing for 21 days - only five to seven days. However, you are being supported on the front and back end of the cleanse so you can have a relaxing preparation period and the support you need once emerging from a cleanse. This is KEY to your success and cannot be accessed in a 10 day cleanse fully.

  • Of course! Each call will be recorded and available for you to listen to at your convenience. Paula recommends listening to the calls as soon as possible following and the live sessions. Showing up in the FB group to connect, ask questions, share your experience is another fantastic way to participate and receive support.

  • Absolutely, you can do the deep cleanse (7 days) on your own time. By signing up, you will have access to the materials (recipes and support materials) you will need to complete the cleanse. You have access to our online course hub and materials until January 31st, 2025. Reach out to Paula if you have any questions. 👍

  • Ideally all food will be prepared within 24 hours of consumption. Juices and smoothies should optimally be prepared just prior to consumption each morning for maximum nutritional absorption, but can be made in advance if necessary.

  • There is so much room in here to customize your cleanse experience. I like to say that YOU have your foot on the pedal. I will recommend and guide you through an Ayurvedic Cleanse protocol and diet but YOU ultimately get to decide what is appropriate for your lifestyle and schedule. I will offer suggestions, recipes and insights based on your commitment, lifestyle and realistic time.

    That said, I highly recommend removing any “unnecessary” activities, appointments etc. from your schedule for the week of the deep cleanse. But hey, I get it. I know what it’s like navigating kids schedules, running a business and dealing with modern life. That said, I suggest prioritizing you and this process as much as possible for the 5-7 days you’ll be cleansing. And guess what, we get to do it all again in the Spring. My goal is that you make seasonal cleaning a yearly habit and create the experience that is right for YOU at the time. 

  • Yes – most participants find they can keep up with their normal exercise routines during the cleanse week. However, I encourage more rest and relaxation which are essential during the a fall cleanse so maybe adding in more gentle yoga (skip the hot classes), walking in nature, bike rides and swimming. But essentially  choosing activities that feel in alignment with how you feel throughout the week.

  • Yes – you can keep up your normal medications during the cleanse. However, I suggest holding off on any supplements or additional herbs for this short time.  Ultimately the choice is yours…my motto is less is more.If you have any questions, please seek advice from your doctor or healthcare practitioner. 

  • Reach out to Paula at and I’ll get right back to you.

Jenn B. (Actress and Mom)

The Glow with Soul Fall Cleanse is amazing. Listening to my intuition about what I need and what nourishes me is so empowering. It creates so much space, both mentally and spiritually. It’s not about eliminating but rather adding the good stuff in which makes this so doable and taps into what we really need for full nourishment. I look forward to doing it again next season. Thank you, Paula, for your guidance, support, and being a wealth of information!

Melanie G. (Pilates Teacher and Mom)

I have thoroughly enjoyed this process. The meals are delicious and nourishing. Paula's support is so inspiring and caring.The schedule is not as challenging as I thought. My family has been supportive. I have been very productive; plus, my house is clean.Honestly, I have always felt resistant to the word “cleanse or detox” - too LA for me. But I absolutely loved the process and the results, and I am excited to return again next season. 

Ready To Reset, Renew & Recharge?
